Sociology Week

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Sociology Week

Sociology Week

In this paper I will discuss the cover of album by Jermaine Budd with the title "No turning back”. From the history of music I learnt that pop music began with blues and gospel at the end of the 20th century in America where blacks sang about their hardships connected with the slavery. In the twenties and thirties jazz became dominant type in music for nearly three decades until the arrival of rock and roll in the late fifties. Jazz featured black musicians playing their music in clubs but it originally evolved from big bands to orchestras. Rock and roll was connected with the culture of rebellion.

The main conventions of a CD cover must include the name of the artist and the name of the album. The whole configuration of an album must also connote genre of the music and represent the artist normally, the CD cover must also include institutions information and production note so the audience around can see what kind of music this is and by that the consumer can easily find what they are looking for.

Artist , Jermaine , is a young new artist from north west London and he does a mixture of rap and base, in creating my CD cover I tried to include all of the codes and conventions of a CD cover, my front cover denotes a man sitting with dark and grey smoke rising up, under the title id my artists name, my background on my CD cover is meant to be thrilling and dazzling at the same time, on the back cover I have written all my tracks on the left of the cover, in the bottom I have included barcodes and record company's.

The first level focus of my CD cover I placed him in the middle ...
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