I got married at the age of 19 which is quite an early age. However, women normally get married after they twenty-five years of age and after they complete their education. Therefore, my socialization experience was as quite different from the other women who get married. Initially, I was living in Peru, however, I shifted to the United States at a young age of eleven because of which I had to change my social circle and my school and I had to make new friends who were from different ethnic backgrounds. This was the first major change in my life, the second was my marriage and the third was when I had a baby. There are different sociological concepts that have been defined by the sociologists. The five concepts are mentioned below.
Conflict theory
Theory of Social Impact
Cognitive Development Theory
Conflict Theory
Concept - This perspective presents the society in a different manner than the functionalist view. This is because it focuses more on conflicts persisting in the society and all kinds of negativity such as early marriages that are associated with it. This perspective encourages social change.
Definition - Conflict theory refers to the conflicts that are persisting in the society and it deals with different kinds of conflicts that persist in the society to bring social change.
Application - Since early marriage is a social problem, bureaucracy actively takes an interest in continuing it rather than solving it. This is because in the bureaucracy, problem employs people and they are able to make money by securing the funds from the government.
Functionalist Perspective
Concept - On the basis of this perspective, every aspect of the society is interdependent and contributes to society's functioning as a whole. For instance, education is provided by the government because the people pay taxes. This ...