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Learning Disability Social Work

Learning Disability Social Work

1. What is the social reality in terms of life experiences, relationships with others, navigating daily challenges, aspiration and coping skills?

I believe everyone must indulge in some social work. This is not just important for the inner-self of the person but also benefits the society on the whole. Since I personally believe in serving the people, I do not have any monetary gains to ensure the best quality of my services. Therefore, working as a social worker, I work with dedication and will power. This is the reason why I display the best behavior while at work. I can be interested in this field since I was young, and this is the reason why I began to serve as a social worker in the hospitals. However, not every person can be a social worker, and I believe I have all the skills which a social worker should have. These can further be described by the fact that I was also very much active in social work while I was pursuing my education and in home life, and I used to help anybody in need.

I consider training as a major part of our career because it provides us with a deep insight in our field. Therefore, I took much training, which includes care services training and Framework-I training. I have also taken trainings to create awareness about diseases and awareness programs such as Parkinson. With the trainings, I have gained much experience and knowledge with regards to social work and to serve the community with dedication. However, to develop my skills, I also aim to take more training.

2. How your contribution toward social work helped people with learning disability?

A problem of learning is the term describing problems of learning disability. A problem of learning can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills that can be affected most often are: reading, spelling, listening, speaking, reasoning, and mathematics. The problems of learning (in English, "learning disabilities, LD) vary among people. A person with problems of learning may have a problem learning different from another person.

The definition of learning disability found in the table below from the Act for the Education of Individuals with Disabilities (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, "or IDEA). IDEA is the federal law that guides how schools provide education and related services to children with disabilities. Growing number of people with learning disabilities are developing dementia, particularly people with Down syndrome, and this poses challenges for all health professionals. For example, it is particular problematic to diagnose or detect dementia in individuals who have severe and profound learning disabilities due to their poor cognitive, behavioral and verbal skills. Sadly, dementia is often well advanced in this client group before it can be detected and this lead to an inevitable delay in treatment.

Watchman highlights that dementia is less likely to be detected in adults with learning disabilities owing to the different assessment tools can be utilized, lack of ...
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