Social Work

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Provide a Critical Of Theory in Relation Loss and Transition and Discuss How This Could Be Relevant To Social Work

Provide a Critical Of Theory in Relation Loss and Transition and Discuss How This Could Be Relevant To Social Work


The relevance of the Social Work Intervention in relation to the Loss and Transition involves a series of mechanisms and actions that are increasingly complex over time, by the development of practices involved and the complexity of the context of intervention. The emergence of complex social issues involves recognizing the Social Intervention as expert knowledge that transcends the disciplinary fields in dialogue with each area of knowledge. Understanding the interventions is a necessary device which also involves the coordination with civil policies and civil society organizations.

The beginnings of social work as a profession appeared more than a century ago, when some charitable organizations have begun a systematic search for new models of work with the wards. Concept "Social worker" was coined in the early centuries. As an independent academic discipline and profession, social work has fully established itself only after the Second World War. The idea of a new "social contract” in the United States and the Western Europe became an expression of the recognition of the right of every person (Ehrenreich 1985, pp. 1).

The nature of professional activity requires the social worker's familiarity with a wide range of issues, ranging from the organization of the social security system in general and the law. The elements of sociology and economics presuppose knowledge of applying psychology, methods of working with "clients."

Social work is a discipline derived from skilled practice and social worker assistant, whose aim is to promote change i.e. the strengthening of society and the resolution of problems in human relationships to enhance well-being by applying various theories of human behaviour and social systems and applying a methodology that integrates the social work case, group and community. For all this, social justice and human rights are fundamental to social work.Discussion

The object of Loss and Transition in the social work setting is a system of social relationships between the actors, groups and social strata. Some believe that the object of social work is man. But with this understanding, a person is considered abstractly from its social ties and society i.e. a system. The object of social work is not only the individual but also the social groups. In social philosophy, Marx said: "The person is understood as a system of social relations". If an object is considered as individuals or groups, this must be considered in the framework of the social relations in which they are included in the actual society. Social work is studying the same object (society) that a number of other human sciences (sociology, for example). Yes, the same object studied can have various sciences, but each of them identifies and examines its specific subject. The object of social work is to develop a social relationships (social support, social assistance, social rehabilitation), which has not yet been studied by experts of any science.

In ordinary consciousness of the loss and transition theories, the social work is ...
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