Smoking And Cardiac Disease

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Smoking and Cardiac Disease

Smoking Cigarette and Cardiac Disease


Life is beautiful! God has given us a beautiful life. It is the duty of an individual to be respectful for this unique gift that God has given to us. There are certain factors that may appear very attractive and charming at first, but in the long term, they cultivate a detrimental impact and in turn affect our lives in more than one ways and some time may lead to us a situation where we do not possess this precious gift of God. The habit of smoking is one such factor that can lead to us death. Smoking is a trap in which youth usually and easily get in and then suffer from its detrimental impacts. This paper talks about the issue of smoking and cardiac diseases that the habit of smoking can cause by reviewing an article. The article discusses the issue of smoking from variegated aspects.

About The Article

The article that is chosen for this paper is “Cigar smoking and Death from Coronary Heart Disease”. This article was published in the year 1991. The article is a research that was conducted by Eric J, Jacobs, PhD; Michael J. Thun, MD; Louis F. Apicella, MSPH. This article was published by American Medical Association. The objective of this study is to explore that weather cigar smoking has increased the rate of coronary heart disease related mortality or not. This article would be very helpful in fulfilling the objective of this paper (Eric et al, 1991).

Hypothesis Presented In the Study

Although, there is no presentation of hypothesis in an orderly way, but if we study the research carefully one can say that the hypothesis that is presented in the study is that the rate of death due to coronary heart diseases among younger and current smokers is increasing over the period of time. This hypothesis was tested and proved to be a correct finding and hence it has been accepted in this study (Eric et al, 1991).

Methodology of the Study

In order to conduct this study, men that were selected to take part were selected from 508576 male participants of Cancer Prevention study II (CPS II), it was a prospective mortality study in which approximately 1.2 million men and women enrolled in the year 1982 by the attempt of American cancer society that volunteers in all the fifty states of United states of America (Stellman and 1986). These participants were asked to complete a baseline questionnaire in the year 1982. In this baseline questionnaire, participants were asked to fill the questionnaire related to characteristics of demographics, various factors of diet, behavior, occupation and environment. For this study, a total 121178 number of men were selected. The age of these men were of 30 years or older than 30 years. These were the men who took part in the American cancers Society's nationwide cancer prevention study II. The participants of this study also attempted and completed the baseline questionnaire in the year 1982 related to ...
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