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Small Cotton Industry In Greensboro NC

Small Cotton Industry In Greensboro NC

The Balanced Scorecard currently receives much attention. This article analyses the means by which the authors of The Balanced Scorecard have created that attention. Is it the result of a new and convincing theory? or is it merely the result of persuasive rhetoric? where convincing theory differs from solely persuasive rhetoric in that concepts and claims are based on sound argumentation? The article concludes that the text is not so convincing as persuasive—a feature characteristic of the genre of management guru texts; and? at the end? the article discusses the reasons for and appropriateness of such a genre and the consequences that should follow from the results of the analysis (Kieser, 1989) All rights reserved. The Balanced Scorecard is a variation of performance measurement that seeks to combine strategic planning with performance measurement. It takes the vision and core values of the organization and converts these "intangibles" into measurable objectives for which the "owners" of the organization are responsible.

In 1992? Robert Kaplan and David Norton1 published the first works on Balanced Scorecard in the Harvard Business Review. It was patterned on the system used by Analog Devices? a successful technology company. Kaplan and Norton's system was designed to redirect private companies' focus on short-term "bottom line" financial measures. Kaplan and Norton felt it was important for a company's long-term financial health to track leading indicators such as customer service? process measures? staff development? and investment in growth? research and development. This system was later revised placing more emphasis on mission instead of financial position and marketed to governments (Kieser, 1989).

The four strategic quadrants Kaplan and Norton recommended were:


Internal Business Processes

Learning and Growth


Figure 1 City of Charlotte? North Carolina Balanced Scorecard

Use of the Balanced Scorecard by Local Governments

A few governments have chosen the Balanced Scorecard approach. St. Charles? Illinois is one that has chosen to implement the Balanced Scorecard.2 City management believes the Balanced Scorecard is effective? because improvements in all four quadrants are necessary for long-term and lasting success. Improvements in the customer service arena can lead to improvement in learning and result in improvements in internal business processes (Latour, 1987). If there are deficiencies in financial strategies? then customer service? employee development? and internal business processes will suffer. St. Charles officials believe that the Balanced Scorecard makes ...
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