In this simulated role paper, I have been assigned with the role of “Director of Camelot Chamber of Commerce”. The paper is consisted of the biography of this role's character, position of the character on resolving issues, identification of character's adversaries and allies in simulated scenario, and the discussion of strategies which could help in dealing with several other characteristics. The learning outcomes which will gather from this paper would be focusing on the role in simulation and would be describing the functions performed by that role.
Biography of the character of role
Camelot brings into being some affordable, high-quality, musical events, and musicals in an environment which is supportive for many professionals and amateur theatre technicians and artists. Directors and other associate Artists work for organizing several types of award winning shows for inspiration, uplifting, and entertainment. (Woodworth & Gump, 2004). There are some advocates in Camelot which work on behalf of several community of business. Director of Camelot is the person who is elected by executive council and board of directors for making and setting several policies of the Chamber of Commerce.
Some main roles of the director of Camelot chamber of commerce are:
To develop policies and plans for time-lining the work in association with the Board. They work for the operations of funding processes and annual budgets and also develop and oversee office management and procedures within budget.
To provide facilitations for campaign's memberships and assign duties as needed and also implement programs and then evaluate its effectiveness.
To work in association with other business, and local government for encouraging the economic development and also work for enhancing the hiring of new type of businesses and assist them with marketing of visual materials for flourishing the business.
To provide the entire members with their leadership ...