The following learning experience plan (LEP) will outline the activities as well as the objectives for each of the four experiences. These activities will direct the individual learning which will occur as part of this course. Front end planning is essential for assuring that the objectives are consistent with the overall learning goal for the individual as well as the course.
Each of the learning experiences will occur in Tennessee within the University community. The first three activities will take place within Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The finial experience, a simulation lab observation, may be accommodated either through the School of Nursing or the School simulation lab, which meets the needs of multidisciplinary teams.
The inclusive goal is to raise awareness of available resources and strategies, develop tools and techniques for using them effectively, and establish collaborative relationships to support future teaching endeavors (Smith & Fitzpatrick, 2006). Personally, I have never participated in a simulation lab either as a learner or a facilitator and having this opportunity will enrich my experiences to pull from in prospective situations. Professionally, having a global view of the programs available related to preceptors will help me in developing additional strategies for supporting and meeting the learning needs of those staff taking on the responsibility and skill development of this role for the first time.
Interviewing the Director of Clinical Education and Development will have the following two objectives:
After interviewing C.W., I will be able to identify two strategies for addressing previously unidentified sources of role stress/strain. (affective domain of learning)
After interviewing C.W., I will be able to describe two areas of potential professional growth in my educator role. (Cognitive domain of learning)
Learning experience involving observation of teaching will have the following two objectives:
After observing the preceptor training course, I will be able to distinguish three strategies successful for engaging large audience numbers. (cognitive domain)
After observing the preceptor training course, I will identify two techniques used to redirect learners to maintain time schedule (Callara, 2008). Learning experience involving an educator committee will have the following objectives:
After participating in the Acute Care Educator meeting, I will be able to explain the effectiveness of the decision making style for the group. (cognitive domain)
After participating in the Acute Care Educator meeting, I will be able to ascertain two effective skills used by the leader for group facilitation.(cognitive domain)
The final learning experience involves the simulation lab and has the following objectives:
After observing in the simulation lab, I will be able to distinguish the key roles of the learners, facilitator and simulation specialist. (cognitive domain)
After observing in the simulation lab, I will be able to describe two formative feedback techniques utilized by the facilitator. (Cognitive domain)
Self-directed Learning Experiences
The observation of a preceptor development workshop will comprise the initial self-directed experience. This activity will allow me to see active learning with a larger group of participants than what I currently work with at any one time. The workshop is greater than four hours in length ...