By 1980, women made up more than half the primary educating workforce in most OECD nations, and were at least 40 per cent of the secondary educating workforce in most of the 12 nations for which this data is available. The main causes why educating had become a highly feminized occupation in comparison with others by 1980 are generally given as:
The opening to blend paid work and family responsibilities. Two investigations of teacher provide in England discovered connections between family responsibilities and the prospect of being a teacher. Dolton and Makepeace (1993) discovered that teachers were more likely to be in work than non-teachers with the identical family firm pledge, and Court, Morris, Reilly and Williams (1995) that married or cohabiting graduates were nearly two times as expected as others to proceed into educating, regardless of gender.
Better pay rates than other occupations gladly accessible or thought of as apt for women, drawing on communally valued strengths, and, relative to other occupations, somewhat more promise for career advancement. This was certainly historically true, and appears to remain the case when comparisons with female-dominated occupations are made, other than for (some aspects of) nursing. Opportunities for women have broadened over the last 20 to 30 years, with the growth of the service sector and their accomplishment of higher qualifications. However, women have yet to accomplish identical pay in many occupations, and the "glass ceiling" extends to limit vocation advancement.
My teaching (both in the classroom, and research mentoring) stresses both theory and its practical applications, for two reasons. First, reifying an abstraction often makes it easier to understand and remember: many people most easily grasp the general via the specific. Second, and perhaps more important, grounding concepts motivates them: it shows why ...