In this study, we have researched regarding modern Islamic practices in one of the countries of West Africa, Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has majority of Muslim population as compare to Christianity. We have used several research journals, Articles and thesis work already done in the field of the chosen topic. We have tried to figure out the extent to which Sierra Leone's Islamic and cultural traditional beliefs have changed and altered due to the Eleven year long civil war and influence of Westernization in form of existence of Christian community. Our findings and research suggests that Sierra Leoneans have altered various aspects of their lives in terms of religious and cultural practices, such as Men and Women possess equal rights with respect to work and earning money, Women are increasingly attracted by the concept of Sex change in order to magnify the opportunities for them in the world, Sierra Leoneans are all willingly sharing religious practices and values behind each others cultures' and norms. Majority of the population is in favor of this alteration with regard to religious and cultural practices. Although, the results may have some degree of biasness due to no quantitative tests and less availability of research one in this field. This research may prove to be helpful for Government and local communities specifically for designing future oriented plans and policies regarding religion and cultural dos and don'ts.
Table of Contents
The Socio-economic history of Sierra Leone1
History of Sierra Leone1
Traditional Islamic Practices2
Sierra Leone Modern Islamic and Cultural Changes3
Islam's Declining Value in Sierra Leone5
Status of Islamic practices in Sierra Leone5
Modern Islamic Practices in Sierra Leone
The Socio-economic history of Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is one of the countries located in West Africa. It is surrounded by the republic of Guinea from northwest and northeast, by Libya from south and by the Atlantic Ocean from west and Southwest. It covers area of 27925 square miles. It obtained its independence within British Commonwealth on 27 April 1961 and later achieved the status of Repiblican on 19 April 1971. It has seventeen ethnic groups. Mende are found in the southern and eastern Provinces. Temne, Limba, Kuranko, Loko, Fula, Mandigo (or Mandika), Soso, and Yalunka live in the Northern Province. Krio and Kru are found in the western area. Kono inhabit the eastern Province, and Kissi live further inland in the eastern Province. Sherbro/Bullom, Vai, Krim, and Gola are found along the north and south coast. The national language of Sierra Leone is English due to its aprior association with British colony, but its only spoken by minority because of low literacy rate (PewReseach Center, 2009, p. 16-19).
History of Sierra Leone
A Portuguese sailor named as Pedro de Cintra discovered Sierra Leone and named it as Serra Lyaa. A lot of small communities used to live in Sierra Leone before the invasion of Europeans and Portuguese trade; these communities were Temne, Loko, Limba, Kissi, Kono, Baga, Bullom, Krim and Vai. But all of these communities never used to mingle with each ...