Shopaholic: Shopping Addiction

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Shopaholic: Shopping Addiction

Shopaholic: Shopping Addiction


Shopaholic refers to the addiction towards shopping. It is called the invisible disease, because no one warned as such, because the person is generally considered frivolous or capricious, when in fact it has a high degree of suffering and disability. Experts warn that the desire to buy one way to find happiness comes from outside rather than inside; due to the harassment that makes advertising. While others emphasize that the problem is in the person, being difficult to define when the environment, a time or situation leads to addictive behavior. Binge affects mostly women and youth, and it is a pathology that can mask depression, since the person in question just feels satisfaction when you buy. Then due to the problems of consciousness (improper spending did), falls into a depression, and not being able to shop provokes a deep sadness and great anxiety. Like with drugs, the need to consume each day gets older (Kinsella, 2001).

But it is important to distinguish between impulse buying and shopping pleasure, to which all succumb under the pressure of Western society in which we live. Because buying addiction is experienced as a frequent and uncontrolled, and if not satisfied the person must fight against a state of irritability and discomfort (Kinsella, 2002). The love of shopping is an activity that is widespread in this society, purely consumerist and can ensure that there is nothing wrong with that, well make money and spend it on what each one wish. However, there is indeed a problem when the desire to consume becomes an idea that having a certain number of objects is a necessity, when after purchase warns that it is not and you want more.


The syndrome of shopaholics called oniomania or shopaholics (in English). This is a condition that began studying psychiatric syndrome in the United States (where else) in the eighties, there was talk of buying spree (shopping frenzy). This is a problem that is experienced throughout the year, not in times of settlements as they say. At that time only exacerbate the symptoms, but the addict is characterized, as was said, by the insistent repetition of the desire to spend (Kinsella, 2002).

In the event that you fill them with objects which do not need, feel more pleasure than buying the items you buy, spend more than you or purchases bring you some problems at home, it's time to take a moment to you and observe what is wrong. Look a little to your interior, review how's your work, your affections, what image you have of yourself, the place you occupy in your social life, among other things. Because, ultimately buying binge means that something is wrong, you may feel a void that you do not know how to fill (the famous existential vacuum), or that allows you to highlight socially (showing you have money, etc.).

The shopaholic is the overwhelming need to go to spend to feel good, buying many products that do not need, which gives ...
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