Employability is the ability of an employee to keep or get a job in his office or in another function, or its hierarchical level to another level. Employability is the ability to participate in the work and professional life. The employability of the individuals is the result of agreement or difference between the demands of the workplace on the one hand and the personal, professional, social and methodological skills and individual health and ability to work on the other. The weighting of the factors on employability is controversial (Baukens et al., 2001). The majority of current concepts are based on the ability of the individual to produce their own employability. Importance of employability is growing due to the ability to maintain employability, given the rapid change of conditions and demand in the labour market. A key factor is the demographic change, which leads to a change in the composition of the age structure of the population and workforce. Transferable skills are skills those that can be used in different careers or jobs. Management skills, communication skills, organizational skills and education and training are examples of skills that transfer most job categories (Kennedy & Loeb, 1998).
Self-evaluation is the idea of immense importance to human activities in their personal and social lives. It is the assessment themselves and their own qualities, feelings, strengths and weaknesses, the expression of their open or closed. The main criterion for evaluation is the system of personal meanings of the individual. Main purposes of self-evaluation are discussed in this section. Self-evaluation provides the regulatory based on which the solution of problems of personal choice. It is protective, as it provides relative stability and independence to the individual. It also helps in functional development. Self-evaluation is the impetus for the development of the individual. Self-evaluation plays a very significant role around the personality and achievements of the individual. Self-evaluation is not only of self-discovery, but also a certain relation to itself: the qualities and conditions, features, physical and spiritual forces, that is, self-evaluation. Without self-evaluation is difficult or even impossible to define itself in life. True self-evaluation involves critical of yourself and capabilities to impose life requirements, the ability to set yourself achievable goals, strictly evaluated for their thoughts, and their results have been extensively investigated nominated guesses thoughtfully weigh the arguments "for" and "against "reject unjustified hypotheses and versions. True self-esteem supports the dignity of man and gives him the moral satisfaction. Adequate or inadequate attitude to you leads to either the spirit of harmony, providing reasonable confidence, or to constant conflict, often to the person who shall communicate neurotic condition (Kennedy & Loeb, 1998).
Self-assessment is a process of self-discovery. As you advance in life, you continuously and you will learn more about yourself, so you must take the time to think about whom you are and you measure time. Awareness of yourself to the views physical, mental and emotional will help you make decisions about the future of your ...