When students reach home they often reach home with more belongings than enclosed in the backpack. Feeling of low-self concept, worthlessness, being ill prepared to handle authority, and insufficient coping method essential to connect socially sufficient ways may prowl in the students' mind recess. When students carry such heavy load they often react socially irresponsible by refusing to follow the rule, they become withdrawing and violent (Dattilio, 2007). These types of reactions by students are known as emotionally behaviorally disorder (EBD) and interventions are required for remediation of these behaviors. Recent federal law says that models with successful and proven methods should be used by the schools. Cognitive behavioral approach CBA is one proven model that is providing methods for intervention plans.
This paper aims to provide beneficial information to readers regarding the interrelationship between behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, components of cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI) and methods or procedures used in cognitive behavioral approach (CBA) model. In addition the paper will be including social skill training value and effectiveness and limitations of cognitive behavioral approach (CBA). In the last we will reveal some important approaches, assessments and consideration for developing curriculum.
School's responsibility is to make children valued member of the society equipped to work by giving them effective, good and necessary education. When students receive lack of skills important to play and work with other people and load of emotional stressors, they need cognitive behavioral intervention to change and assist the way of hard situation. CBI helps students to manage in hard situations and it also promotes a healthy learning environment.
The primary goal of CBI is to make students learn how to manage their nonacademic and academic behaviors. Two methods used to control behavior in cognitive behavior intervention are Verbal meditation and self management or instruction. Self instruction or management is a procedure which makes a student to reinforce their own behavior by observing his/her own record. There are three components of self instruction intervention (Butler, 2008):
Self reinforcement
Self monitoring
Self evaluation
Self monitoring is a successful component of self instruction intervention as it successful improves social sill behavior of a student by using two sides:
Being aware of the behavior
Record data on behavior
Self evaluation is a component that requires students to compare their behaviors against some standards of behaviors. For jumping to this phase a student must go through self monitoring phase. For conducting this ...