Self Analysis

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Self Analysis

Self Analysis

In the next five years I would like to further my education. I have always wanted to become a teacher. I would like to be that individual that a student can reflect on. In five years I should be a certified educator in my own classroom. I want to prepare students for their roles in society by ensuring that they can communicate effectively, think critically, and solve problems. I would like to expand my knowledge as a teacher and learn successful teaching methods in an effort to assist my students with meaningful academic growth. In the next ten years I hope to be considered a veteran teacher. I would like to assist a new teacher, and help him or her feel comfortable in the education field. In ten years I hope to obtain my certification as a psychologist.

With a degree in psychology I would like to be a special education counselor. All my life I have been surrounded around children. I have seen children be successful and I have seen some children choose the wrong paths in life. I would like to be the teacher that helps students see life as a reward and that it is up to them to be successful. Self-discipline and time management skills are crucial when trying to obtain a degree. It is extremely important to use time wisely. I may have to overcome several barriers along the way. Barriers may be financial, time restraints, or lack of support from family and friends. Having the knowledge of how to overcome these barriers and having backup plans is what makes the difference between meeting goal versus abandoning the goal.

If faced with any of these barriers I will try to have a positive outlook and attitude. I will try to look on the bright side. One's ability to bounce back from disaster and loss depends on the person's ability to use resiliency skills to conjure up positive emotions when he or she is challenged severely (Bell, 2001). I will monitor my stress level and use relaxation techniques specific to me and my needs if necessary in order to avoid abandoning the goals that I have set Knowledge in my opinion is changing based on our experiences and the environment that surrounds us.

Therefore, we must teach students to be cognizant of their every day life experiences and to learn how those experiences have affected them positively or negatively. Learning is an ongoing process for everyone. This I believe is important to instill in students. As an educator it is important to teach students critical thinking skills necessary for life. I do not want my students to regurgitate information. I want them to take what I have presented; analyze, think it over, and present it back to me with their own values and ideas formulated. Students should establish their own views with confidence.

I want to instill respect and be respected by students. Respecting a students overall character and where they come from enables me ...
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