Informal Self Analysis

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Informal Self Analysis

Informal Self Analysis

Definition of Development

According to me, development is something which is born, it is an idea which is present in a person since his birth, and grows with the passage of time as he grows and gain experience (Alexander, 2003). For instance, development may be in the form of education, cultural learning, and personality growing. In addition, there are various levels of development. Each person possesses his own level of development.

Leadership Qualities in Me

It is essential for a person to develop a specific set of traits to become a leader. These traits are born, and can only get better with the passage of time. Leadership qualities have different effects on the development of personality and leadership. However, there are only some qualities which highlight the leader and cause a significant impact on a day to day performance.

In the life of any person, sooner or later, there will be situations where he or she might need effective leadership (Goffee & Jones, 2001). In addition, people who face diverse problems and challenges need their solutions require a broad range of leadership skills, which will ultimately achieve the desired result.

I have been known among my friends to have leadership qualities. I have always participated in activities as a volunteer who is responsible for the organization of events. In addition, such a role required me to assign roles to different people to perform different tasks. This helped me to identify my leadership skills and the ability to deal with groups of people. Furthermore, these skills grew and developed with the passage of time. From my time at school to university, I was always chosen to be a leader for different areas. Whether it's a classroom or a project, teachers always preferred me to be a leader. I have a strong leadership personality which other people also agree. For instance, according to the view of a number of people, I possess the aptitude to deal with challenges, develop creative ideas and solutions to problems, provide logical reasoning, and accept responsibility. I also possess the ability to overcome differences and resistance to bring groups of people together to achieve a common objective.

Working in Group has Always Helped Me to Understand More about Many Things

A person can learn a lot by working in groups. There are various ideas and mind working on a common project which helps in providing areas for improvement. In addition, working in groups also helps in identifying key strengths and weakness which are essential for the purpose of self-development. I have worked for JMI, which helped me in understanding more about many things. I was assigned a project to improve sales of one of the trucks within deadline and I had to lead a team to achieve the objective. As a result, applied the “Shared Vision Skill” in this project and encouraged my team to work for common objectives and have a shared vision of success. My team had fifteen members which I assigned ...
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