Second Life is a highly complex 3D digital world which was introduced to public on 2003 by Linden Labs. The meaning of “Second Life” is that it affects the users from the online program respectively to every change that is made by real life. In addition, Second Life also connects users to reality via paid subscription programs which lead to higher profile plans. The idea of paid subscribers is that users can actually convert real currencies into Second Life's currency, Linden Dollars, accordingly to an exchange rate. For example, $1 US dollar equals $260 Linden Dollars, approximately. Paid subscribers do that via a third party called Paypal. Being a paid subscriber, user enjoys many ultimate possessions within Second Life, such as land and other magnificent products.
Nevertheless, the wonderfulness of Second Life lies in many other perspectives. Users don't have to be human characteristics in Second Life. As a matter of fact, they can be anything that inspires them in virtual life. Varying from any creatures to tiny animals, Second Life provides a 'dreamed' environment for users to expose themselves in most things they couldn't in real life. Free commodities and much more are offered in Second Life. Users don't have to be paid subscribers to enjoy a good time. Participating in Second Life, users find themselves interacted with real life with many fun activities including club joining, services, and building the virtual economy. Not only spending money, can users find their own ways to make money in Second Life. Mostly, business activities are used to generate money value. And since, they can also convert Second Life currency into their own real money via the same system as they do when they convert real money into Linden Dollars. Other than business activities, users can also perform various activities ...