Saudi Arabia Commercial Arbitration Regulations: A Compare Study Of Its Role With Reference To The Uncitral Model Law, Uk Law And Islamic Jurisprudence

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[Saudi Arabia Commercial Arbitration Regulations: A compare study of its role with reference to the UNCITRAL Model Law, UK Law and Islamic Jurisprudence]


[Name of the Author]

[Name of the Department]

[Date and Year of Submission]

Table of Contents


Background of the Study1

Problem Statement1

Research Aim and Objectives2

Significance of the Study3

Limitations of the Study3


Arbitration Today4

What is Arbitration?4

Saudi Arabian Arbitration6

Relevance of Saudi Arabian Arbitration with different law models7

Shari'a and the contemporary law: Alike, yet different10


Research Design13

Research Ethics13

Literature selection criteria13

Search technique14

Keywords used14

Theoretical framework14

Research instruments14



"The end crowns all,

And that old common arbitrator, time,

Will one day end it."

Background of the Study

To understand and identify the kind of problems and situations associated with international business, rules and regulations have to be carefully framed, coined and analyzed before their implementation takes for a country or multiple in the international business relationship.

Nations and states across the globe have began coordination and maintaining business relationships under a defined framework of international policies and procedures, in order for justified transactions and business dealings to take place. Important developments in the law and practice of international commercial arbitration offer new prospects for the fair and speedy settlement of disputes in the field of foreign trade and investment.

While the first world countries of the West have profoundly accepted and practiced this as a tradition and a norm as per the international policies framed, even orthodox nations, who are packed and employed with valuable resources and land power in East, such as the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, has been in the highlights for the kind of business operations and relationships it has initiated to contribute its resources towards globalization and making stronger, long-term connections in the name of establishing business relations.

Problem Statement

The problem statement, which shall help focus and help tailor our entire research, is 'Impact of regulations upon the Commercial Arbitration undertaken by Saudi Arabia'.

Research Aim and Objectives

The research aim proposed for our research shall to highlight, identify and analyze that the kind of positive and negative impacts experienced by Saudi Arabia as a country in recent times. This would further add to the kind of objectives, which shall act as milestones towards the completion and compilation of relevant findings and research. Theses are:

What is the significance of arbitration in international relations?

How has arbitration contributed towards the development and establishment of relationship between countries in the global community?

What is the significance of arbitration in the context of Saudi Arabia?

How has Saudi Arabia earned a reputation due to arbitration existing in its relationships with other countries?

How can one analyze the weightage of arbitration with UNCITRAL Model Law?

What implications arise when it comes to comparing with arbitration with UK Law?

How does Saudi Arabia, as a country, tend to deliver and adopt arbitration in the light of and Islamic Jurisprudence?

Significance of the Study

With a close, in-depth analysis and undertaking of the study, relevant data and information shall surface in the midst of analyzing and comprehending the kind of problems and situations witnessed and experienced by Saudi Arabia and ...
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