Sanitex Company

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Sanitex Company

Sanitex Company

Understanding buyer behaviour and purchase decision making process

Sanitex Decision Making Process

Sanitex Company provides pest control services to various home users in West London. The Sanitex Company takes decision following a set pattern of steps. In order to present the decision making model of Sanitex first the decision making process must be understood to make an effective decision. It is important to follow a logical step to make decisions, to try to apply the latest techniques to a variety of problems. Decision making processes have existed for hundreds of years, follow the line of decision making in order to solve a problem effectively (Kolb 2008, 15-65). From a management standpoint, this process has five stages. Sanitex Company always takes decisions taking into consideration the following steps:

Define the objectives and purpose of the decision.

Gather facts and information necessary to make the decision.

Determine alternative courses of action available.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative and choose the most appropriate.

Acting to implement the decision in the best way to control the effects of the decision and revise it if necessary.

Sanitex Company considers the first of these stages crucial and more important than the others. Define the objectives and purposes often require more than half the total time required for the process. Objectives clarify what is required and must avoid being hampered by too much detail or “go off on tangents”. The objectives can be divided, for certain problems, short-term and long term is another way of clarifying its formulation as a result.

In the second stage facts and information gathered by Sanitex Company usually involves observing, listening, writing down everything, analyze statistical data, etc. Diagrams, graphs and charts are useful at this stage to increase the clarity of understanding. They can be very useful to explain the situation and to persuade others of our views. Almost always, a picture is worth a thousand words. The alternatives presented for stage three are important to prevent people from sticking to a first solution and defend it (Hunt 2000, 12-63).

The stage four of the Sanitex decision making process considered the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. It is at this point where a decision-making technique could be useful. Perhaps a financial technique required to decide between alternative courses of action, or a quantitative technique. The best way to finally take the decision is a team approach, using a small group of people. Whatever the most useful techniques for certain situations, effective professional should know and be at least a basic knowledge of their application.

The final stage of the Sanitex decision making process is to act, it is important to determine whether the decision is effective. The ability to successfully implement needed change is persuasive, communication and interpersonal relationship management. This is different from the analytical capability to define, examine and make a decision. Take a good decision does not necessarily ensure good results, but to properly implement a good decision, it does.

Factors affecting buying behaviour of Sanitex customers

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