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Marketing Intelligence

Marketing Intelligence


1. Assuming that Sanitex Ltd caters to both household and business consumers, critically explain the main stages of the DMP for the individual and industrial purchaser.

The Purchase Decision Process

From the basic structure can we correctly represented the purchase decision process, as in the following figure, divided into several phases. There is a little difference between consumer and industrial while making the decision for purchase. The customer buying Sanitex Ltd products have their own view while buying the products of services of Sanitex Ltd.

Model of Purchase Decision Process (individual)

Consumer decision-making is influenced by several external and internal factors, discussed earlier; it solves the problems of different scale and complexity, but has a stable structure, including the following stages: awareness of needs, information retrieval, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, consumption, evaluation of alternatives (Matsuda, 2006: 145). Consider the value of each of the stages in the process of consumer decision. Following are the steps that a consumers use while making a purchase decision for the products and services provided by the Sanitex Ltd.

1.  Problem:

Services are chosen by a small number of alternatives;

uncertainty of the effects of service;

Services are rarely accompanied by a guarantee, and no high-quality services cannot be returned, the quality of many services can be assessed only specialists.

2. Search for information:

the important role played by personal sources, consumers do not always know what aspects are important for the choice of an enterprise or service;

non-personal sources are often unavailable;

Media reports more about the required characteristics, and experienced little about.

Since the final decision on establishing relationships with the consumer now takes after his experience, then:

consumer makes a choice of nearly homogeneous alternatives;

based on his experience he formed the ratio of the service, he formulates the criteria on which selection will be carried out later;

Thereafter, it will pay attention to information that supports their choice.

3. Evaluation of alternatives:

a set of alternatives in the service sector is narrower than the purchase of goods: a) the choice of attending one customer service company, which is represented by one brand, b) the number of service businesses is less than the number of businesses offering goods, c) is difficult to obtain pre-sale information;

for many non-professional services a set of alternatives includes self-service;

To assess the quality of service affects the mood of the consumer.

4. Purchase (consumption): Play important role compatibility consumers if:

consumers are in physical proximity to each other (plane);

probably close interaction of consumers (bar);

consumers should wait service (turn to a doctor);

Consumers are looking for an opportunity to share space and time with each other (visiting bath).

5. Evaluation of the purchase: In the provision of services to the consumer more involved in the process, has the ability to better control the quality, so:

Consumers often blame themselves for providing poor service;

Consumers are less likely to complain.

Model of Purchase Decision Process (Industrial)

There is a little difference while making a purchase in industrial sector. As the industry sector are purchasing the services of Sanitex Ltd which includes pest control. In individual consumer has their own views and ...
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