Same Sex Marriage And Government Politics

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Same Sex Marriage and Government Politics


Marriage has been a part of life since before the medieval times. For two people who love each other and plan on spending the rest of their lives together, the natural instinct is to make it legal and get married. This being said same sex marriage has been widely discussed and debated on if it should be legalized or not. It is discriminating not to allow two people who want to get married just because they are homosexual (Bos, 109). Marriage is a commitment that two people make to each other in which they share their lives and become like one. When the decision is made to be married, neither race nor religion is questioned.

Each culture also defines marriage differently although there are some common criteria across many societies. Gay marriages have very recently gained excessive promotion and practice in recent days. In primitive times, anyone and everyone would consider homosexual marriages as a sin, considering it simply out of question.

In today's world of modernization and futuristic belief, matrimonial relationships among men (gay marriages) and women (lesbian marriages) is considered appropriate. The thought that provokes when discussing gay marriages is generally uncomfortable, placing the generations-our brood and offspring-at risk of developing disastrous and disturbed mental patterns (Galatzer, 67).

Discussion and Analysis

In opposition, it is argued that allowing same sex marriages would change the nature of parenthood. Marriage is seen not only as a commitment of two people, but also as a form of procreation. It is a known fact that in order to procreate, both a man and woman are needed. It is disputed that by allowing same sex couples to marry would also allow them the right to raise a family. “Giving same sex couples the right to found a family, as same sex marriage automatically does, unlink parenthood from biology. In doing so, it unavoidably takes away children's right to both a mother and a father and their right to know and be reared within his own biological family” (Bosm, 110).

Marriage is not a private matter but a public matter. Marriage offers mutual support from each spouse, a financial union which will create economic prosperity, and a sexual union. This strong commitment also gives specialization that increases the talent pool (i.e. household chores). According to author Jonathan Rauch, marriage has three societal needs a good environment for children, helping people settle down, and make a happy home, and provide caregivers to the children that come from the marriage (Cott, 91). People who are married tend to be healthier and happier than a single or cohabitated person.

The other option that same-sex couples have that is cohabitation which is two people living together who aren't married and it does not provide as many benefits as marriage does. Yes, it does provide a sexual union and maybe a cheaper rent but, it does not provide the economic prosperity that marriage does nor the commitment that comes along with marriage.

It has been agreed that homosexuality is ...
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