Family A Symbol Of Love And Life, But Not Politics

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Family a symbol of love and life, but not politics

Thesis statement

Gay marriages promote the bonding of family and strengthen the society, according to Eric Zorn.


Same-sex marriage is a marriage between persons of the same sex. The registration of a marriage establishes the couple of different specificity: the right to joint property, the right to alimony , the right to inheritance , social and medical insurance , preferential taxation and crediting , the right to name, the right not to testify in court against a spouse, the right to act a trustee of behalf of a spouse in the event of his incapacity due to health, the right to dispose of the body in case of death of a spouse, the right to joint parenting and foster care and other rights, which denied unmarried couples.

Opponents of gay marriage argue that by tradition and religious norms in marriage may enter only a man and a woman, but because the requirements of gays and lesbians to recognize them the same right is absurd, and it is not about equal rights of homosexuals and heterosexuals and homosexuals to provide new unprecedented rights.

Discussion and Analysis

Supporters of same-sex marriage indicates that the registration of marriage is the legal effect, regardless of religious norms (in most modern states the legal and ecclesiastical registration of marriage take place separately), and that the law should follow the social changes that lead to the elimination of inequality between people - as and occurs during the last centuries, when the phase out pre-existing ban on registration of marriages (e.g., between spouses who belong to different social strata, religions or races). In this case, they consider the right to marriage through the prism of natural rights, the rights to physical and mental health, equality before the law. (Amy, 114)

Marriage is a special status that society recognizes committed union between a man and a woman for one reason: because their relationship is the only body capable of generating new members of the human species and because their interpersonal relationship is the most suitable for breeding, protect and educate. This service is so important and beneficial to society that deserves legal protection. On the contrary, no act gay body can generate new human beings, and no two persons of the same sex are suitable for raising and educating children who would have no respect parental / male (if two lesbians) or maternal / feminine (if two homosexuals). Are homosexuals who should bear the burden of proof and demonstrate that they can perform the same functions as marriage?

Legalizing gay marriage undermines heterosexual marriage, as well as counterfeit currency real currency weakens. Many people think that they do not affect anything that homosexuals get married. It is the same as thinking "does not affect me at all that there are people to circulate fake $ 100 bills, I am honored and would not use them, in fact almost never see $ 100 bills." However, it is clear that the circulation of counterfeit currency affects us all, because ...
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