Same Sex Marriage

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Homosexual Marriage in light of societal and religious norms

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Homosexual Marriage in light of societal and religious norms


There was a time when the royal weddings with grand arrangements and wedding of celebrities used to be the centre of attraction for entertainment media. Now days, another sort of marriage has also captured the attention of society. “Same-sex marriage”, a self explanatory phase, defines itself as a marriage between two people of the same gender, also referred as the Gay Marriage. This issue has become a very heated debate among youngsters nowadays. It is also a very sensitive topic as some people strongly support the notion by arguing that every man and woman has the right to select their life partners as per their own liking and desire. On the contrary, lots of other people argue against it on the basis of its ethical implications and medical complications.

Coming forward is the discussion against gay marriages and its justification in the light of sacred scriptures of Christianity along with its drawbacks and ethical implications to the society.

Concept of Marriage in Christianity

Marriage, in its simplest term, is a union and private relation between a man and a woman who are willing to commit to each other. This is the definition that we are known to and is commonly accepted. Now with the changing world, people have come up with different meanings in this regard also but one cannot change what has been described in the sacred scriptures. The Holy Bible defines marriage at different places in different books, but more or less, all the sayings bear the same meaning. Some of the verses from the Holy Bible are quoted as follows.

“The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make ...
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