S Module 4: Health & Safety

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Module 4: Health & Safety

Module 4: Health & Safety

1. Under Health and Safety Act 1974, my legal duties regarding health and safety in the workplace are as follows:

Compliance with Rules and Regulations

Establishing Company policy for health and safety standards

Providing protective equipment e.g. chemical suits for workers working in chemical production/use settings

2. I help to plan, implement, monitor and review the protective and preventative measures my company requires or chooses to follow. My company work to minimise operational losses, occupational health problems, accidents and injuries. Manual Handling Regulations apply wherever things are moved by hand or bodily force and the Display Screen Equipment Regulations apply wherever VDUs are used, in particular, my duty involves giving due regard to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 and ensure that we properly comply to other occupational safety regulations (Barling et al 2003).

3. Chemical/pesticide over spraying Allergies is another common health issue in the workplace.

Offices and other workplace buildings can have mold, dust, and even asbestos that can aggravate employees' respiratory tracts and cause allergies. Certain jobs carry particularly high risk; metal industries, construction, driving (particularly older vehicles), and leisure industries. Asthma can also start following a single heavy exposure to a chemical. If existing asthma has worsened, then this could be work-aggravated asthma (Siegrist 2001).

4.Testing: Some employers have compulsory testing for drugs and alcohol. Physical examination might also help identify some of the prevalent diseases before they get worse (Siegrist 2001). Health screening of workers who request it - e.g. cholesterol, body mass index, lung function, blood pressure, and eye tests might also help dealing with potential health hazards (Barling et al 2003).

5.Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002: require suppliers to classify label and package dangerous chemicals and provide safety data sheets for them.

6.The importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards in the whole workplace can hardly be exaggerated. This will reduce avoidable workers' compensation regarding poor workplace safety (Barling et al 2003).

7.Prompt action helps control avoidable losses such as claim for damages by the employees. Risk reporting also helps in building a congenial working environment.

8.For fire safety, we have installed large and automated extinguishers and have them so that in the time of need they could be manually operated as well.

For electrical safety, our wiring is particularly carried out by qualified electricians who have ...
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