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Pressure on Companies to be Socially Responsible on Energy Consumption

[Name of the Institute]Socially Responsible Organizations


In the contemporary business environment the issue of socially responsible activities, is a very significant factor. There are several factors present in the environment which have caused these companies to focus on becoming more responsible regarding their fuel consumption and the social activities. The majority of the products manufactured by the companies involve the usage of certain type of carbon based or other fuel components, which may have a negative impact on the environment and the overall society. Hence in order to safeguard the rights of the people affected by the operational activities of the business sector, these companies have to invest in socially responsible and environment friendly technologies (Carroll, 1999, pp. 294). As the usage of fuel has the biggest impact on the environment, the companies have to seek alternative and sustainable fuel sources, so that they can exponentially decrease the harmful effects caused on the environment by their operational activities.

The primary objective of this paper is to critically analyze the factors which have caused the contemporary organizations to invest in the environment friendly technologies. Credible research has clearly suggested that the majority of the multinational organizations throughout the globe have shown a greater effort to reduce their carbon footprints, and make a substantial contribution to the society. This paper will observe the major trends of the majority of the global organizations towards the phenomenon of Corporate Social Responsibility, and clearly identify the factors which have led to this activity. The paper will also discuss the impacts of environmental friendly technologies, and how they can be utilized to solve majority of the existing environment related dilemmas. The reason why I decided to choose this topic for my research is because; the issue is very significant and relevant to the contemporary environment. The world has witnessed the impact of the harmful effects of global warming, and how the irresponsible activities of the companies can lead to negative repercussions for various societies. The companies can no longer avoid the issue, and continue to operate in a wasteful and irresponsible manner. The concern for the overall society has caused these businesses to critically analyze their operational activities and invest substantially in the environment friendly technologies and alternative fuel solutions. At the conclusion I will present certain feasible solutions which will be derived from the facts presented in the literature review. The solutions will provide a practical and long term solution for the organizations and the societies, so that meaningful changes can be made to the operational activities of the majority of the global companies.


Literature Review

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