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Epidemiology of Bioterrorism

Epidemiology of Bioterrorism


A lot of attention has been paid to bioterrorism in recent years in U.S. Discovering a white powder in the corners of the envelope addressed to you could be baby powder, or it could be Anthrax. Specifically, in the fall of 2001, a bioterrorism attack using letters laced with anthrax spores killed five U.S. citizens, which stunned the nation and elevated domestic bioterrorism into the public consciousness. (Leonard, 2003) This paper will address Epidemiology of Bioterrorism along with emphasizing on Anthrax and terrorist attacks caused by it and in last shedding light on counter terrorism activities.


Bio-terrorism is a terrorist release of biological pathogens; these pathogens may pose a threat to the people. The threat by these biotic weaponries is extremely challenging mainly because of the dangerous features of these weapons. One of the major threats is that even if the person is exposed to the minute quantity of biological agent, which may even go unnoticed, can ultimately result in dangerous diseases or deaths. The microbial agent can take days or weeks for its development without getting itself noticed, unlike a knifing, chemical dispersion or bombing. Bioterrorism, undoubtedly, possess many unique challenges for protection, preparation and reaction to it.


Japan, the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and Iraq are all known to have developed weapons using anthrax. Weapons-grade anthrax is grown as bacteria in wet solutions using fermentation vats. It is stressed to form spores, dried, and then milled into a powder fine enough to be inhaled. The earliest anthrax bombs were not very effective, because the anthrax was in a wet solution, so that most of the bacteria would be killed when the explosive charge detonated. More efficient delivery mechanisms have since been developed that can distribute anthrax spores in an ...
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