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Consumer Behavior

[Name of the Institute]Consumer Behavior


The advent of the globalization phenomenon and the mass commercialization era, have focused the attention of the contemporary researchers and scientists to critically analyze the dynamics of the consumer behavior. In the traditional sense the companies directed most of their organizational resources and efforts into the product development phase; however the concept of the superior product has now been replaced by the superior brand. Instated of only focusing on producing the vest product, companies now compete for enhancing their brand image (Belk et Al, 1989, pp. 37). The concept of branding is very complex and incorporates several different consumer based dynamics. The brand of the organization can be defined as the intangible value, which is established through the positive perception of the consumers (Folkes, 1988, pp. 564). The brand is a highly consumer centric concept, and the organizations have to invest significantly on critically analyzing their consumer base and their specific demographics. This activity will allow the companies to develop their marketing and advertising campaigns, with reference to the needs of the consumers (Gardner, 1985, pp. 281). The role of the psychologists in the marketing and branding function has been enhanced due to the initiative by the organizations to better understand their respective consumer markets. It is due to this reason that the research on the consumer behavior and the branding/marketing activities of the company represent one of the biggest expenses for the modern day organizations.


Behaviorism by James B. Watson

Through his experiments on the nature of human behavior, and how it could be altered by making certain environmental changes has greatly influenced the marketing and branding function of the organizations. Watson was able to prove through his experiments that certain non conspicuous and harmless objects through the appropriate ...
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