Role Of Women Until 1500

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Role of Women Until 1500

Role of Women Until 1500

The medieval image of women was mainly due to the ancient philosophers such as Aristotle and Hippocrates, and of course influenced by the Bible. The philosophers have assumed that the woman had been created before man, and it represents an imperfect attempt. This imperfection of the woman is founded on comparisons of the female body with the male: the woman was colder and wetter than the man, and it lacks compared to him in physical strength. Therefore, the woman is more passive than active and suitable for more activities in the home than for those in public. Furthermore, it was assumed that the woman the man was mentally inferior (Stephenson, 1998). Thus, the temperament of the woman by mental instability, a weak sense, and the tendency to be marked to sudden passions such as hatred, revenge, anger, fear, etc. to get carried away. To counteract this instability, the woman must be performed by her husband. Among these, the physiognomy of women based ideas that occurred with the spread of Christianity, the biblical view of women. In the biblical stories are based on typical headed, God-ordained roles of men and women. In the first book of the Bible (Genesis), God creates Eve from Adam and Eve is then created from Adam's rib, because of the order of creation was thought of a subordination of women. This subordination is the expulsion from Eden; the Bible has to go into debt, according to Eva, further justified. In the New Testament we read in Paul's letters, that the woman is forbidden to teach and to rule (Stephenson, 1998). It is the man who can exercise power and not the woman, and certainly not about the man. Of course, these complex theories, only the educated people of the Middle Ages, that the ecclesiastics known. The common people should not play a role in this theoretical background, yes, even have been known, this was only clear that the woman her husband and the daughter her father was inferior and had to obey him (Stephenson, 1998).

Women in the early 1500 worked together in the community and in the church to make the local area a better place. Most of the women's would get up before day and begin cooking breakfast this include going out and getting water from the well and bring it back and warming it on top of the heater. So water could be prepared for breakfast and for the husband and children to take bath. A woman would always make sure that the husband was well taken care before he left for work (Pomeroy, 1984, 1990). It was her duties to take care of the children by teaching them the academic of learning. As well as cleaning the house, washing clothes, hanging out the clothes, folding clothes and other house hold chores that were needed to be done. During the day the lady may have only gotten a chance to take a twenty minute ...
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