Role Of Women Army In The Combat

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In this study, we try to explore the importance of women in army and to what extent they are being restricted to play their role in the combat. The research also analyzes many aspects of the topic and tries to gauge its effect on women army as a whole. Despite this iconic belief that the military is the domain of men, women have been associated with the military for as long as there has been a military.

Role of Women Army in the Combat


According to the Ministry of Defense said it was reviewing the rules governing the role of women officers and army soldiers in combat operations. The rules prohibit the British Army is currently women's participation in combat operations that require a direct clash with enemy forces. Supporters of women's participation in combat operations insist that women have left without the physical capability to participate effectively in all types of operations, but opponents say that the problem does not lie in combat capability, but the impact of mixing on the concentration of troops and the interdependence of the elements of the army units. It is noteworthy that countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands do not put any restrictions on women's participation in any of the units of the armed forces.


It is a fact that despite of the increasing role of women in the society, the women are ban in the U.S. Army to participate in hostilities, and are therefore perform support functions such as working as nurses and cooks, and mechanics and their contacts and administrative affairs. Throughout the history of women in the military, women have faced severe barriers to full participation. Oftentimes, need forced the government and the military to accept women into roles they would otherwise not have allowed. Before World War II, with the exception of women who disguised themselves as men and some temporary participants during World War I, the U.S. military was an exclusively male profession. Women's early official involvement in the military occurred in roles that fit traditional notions of femininity. It was only as need to grow that the military began to bend gender stereotypes to allow women to fill traditionally masculine positions such as mechanic, pilot, and instructor. Each soldier carries in the camp, whether male or female, a weapon is usually a rifle, "M16" and even the length of Venice from the model of "any 4" carried by a female first-class "Shala Souza" with the length of which no more than five feet . The soldier said, "Chrissy Collins" 29 years old, one of the qualifications and an unmarried mother of a child aged two and a half: "There is a great deal of discrimination in the U.S. military, especially toward the role in the battle"?! In addition, serve "Chrissy Collins" in the army for nine years, and is currently working as a mechanic, although it holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and is now studying ...
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