Risk Management

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Risk management

Risk management plan for hospital


The rationale behind risk management program in hospital is to protect patients, staff members and visitors from inadvertent injury. The program is focused to safeguard the hospital's financial assets and intangibles, such as name, standing and reputation among the stakeholders i.e. patients, doctors and all the people associated to it.

The risk management plans primarily seem to implement the procedures that will reduce the risk of redundancies. It augments to provide direction to develop the structure for the hospital's clinical and business services.

This risk management seems to give an continuing, wide-ranging, and systematic approach of risk reduction and reduction in risk exposures. Risk management actions go stage by stage. First they identify the potential and later investigation, analysis, and evaluation of risks follows. After this process selection of implementable alternative is done in order to take proactive actions for the risk reduction of possible redundancy (Emslie, 2008).

Risk management will focus influence and educate hospital staff within the departments that form the core of activities on which the hospital runs. This includes radiology, pharmacy and patient care. These departments will influence the core activities of the whole hospital and in such way the best possible risk managing can be done.

Risk Management is the primary responsibility of the risk manager, but every employee has to participate in it at the hospital. The sheer amount and complication of the tasks at the hospital and its processes, many eyes and ears are required for checking risk prevention effectively. The Risk Manager acts as the central point of synchronization of all the activities regarding risk management. The input from each area outlined in the plan direct the risk manager to act in a certain direction to reduce redundancy. (Morlock, 1991)

Following specific plan must be followed to keep all the ...
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