Response to “On Being an Atheist” by H.J. McCloskey
Response to “On Being an Atheist” by H.J. McCloskey
“On Being an Atheist” by H.J. McCloskey
In his article “On being an Atheist” H.J. McCloskey attempts to explain his position to the theists on why he thinks that their belief in God is based on false grounds. He also explains how he thinks it is easier to- not believe in God. His article presents his own beliefs as an atheist. He believes that there is an immense insufficiency of concrete evidence and arguments for the theists. He tries to express his point and give his readers; a reason why they should side with his thoughts and beliefs. He used different approaches to disprove the beliefs of theists. He emphasizes on his idea that no God exists and that the believers are wrong in their thinking.
Religion and belief in God has been a subject of disagreement and great debate in history. It started in the earliest days of civilization when people started worshipping nature. However, in history the belief in God has been quite strong and has been quite resistant to argumentation. In today's time, the world continues to develop in all aspects. The religious beliefs have also become permanent and more people rely on their beliefs to escape anxiety and to deal with the challenges of modern world (Attfiled, 1975).
PointeCaste Presentation
In his article McCloskey stresses on his idea that evident proofs of nature cannot sufficiently explain the existence of God. According to the PointeCast presentation; most theists are in strong consensus among themselves and do not necessarily go on looking for evidence to prove their beliefs. They truly believe in God's existence and are not looking for ways to counter arguments from Atheists.
McCloskey's an ardent supporter of the Atheist ideology, tempts the theists to look for answers and reasoning. Where, theists seem quite content with the belief sowed in them and do not need to be consoled or approved of their beliefs.
Evan's Perspective of the Non-Temporal Form
Evans being a strong supporter of his religious belief; expresses the fact that the world is meant to be inhibited by people and a whole process continues to go on. He contradicts McCloskey's argument that existence of the world doesn't lead to the belief in eternal power. According to Evans he believes that the world was created for the living creatures including humans for a reason. He is an ardent supporter of naturalistic ideas and believes they all relate to each other to keep the processes going.
Although, the earth is believed to be 14 billion years old, Evans stresses on the fact that despite being so old, it had an “actual beginning” that led to changes later on into today's life. Hence, it is reasonable to attribute God for the existence of this universe; because all happenings and all processes justify its regulation.
Is McCloskey's standard of “Indisputability” reasonable?
In his article, “On being an Atheist” McCloskey consistently seemed to be on the lookout for indisputable designs ...