Life is beautiful! It is a journey where we discover ourselves, the place where we belong to and who we are. In this beautiful journey we adopt different beliefs and place our trust and further devise values on the basis of this belief to lead our lives. There are some who follows a religion and there are some who do not believe in God at all. The aim and objective of this paper is also to undertake discussion about one of the most famous articles written on the topic atheism. The article that is selected in this paper is “on being an atheist” by McCloskey.
Proof of God
McCloskey explicitly asks for the proof for the existence of God. By this the first idea that disturbs the mind is a query that asks by extending the request to present the proof is McCloskey asks for presenting the proof related to the existence of God in a conclusive way. A theist cannot present one argument to proof the existence of God; rather, a cumulative approach is adapted to proof the existence of a being to whom we call God.
Cosmological Argument
According to views of McCloskey that are expressed in article “on being atheist” creation and presence of this world is not the sole and enough reason to believe that God exists. By keeping in view cosmological argument following notions can be stated:
Anything that exists in this world exists because of some reasons and it has its proper explanation behind that. This explanation can either be in the form of the existence of its own nature or in external cause.
If there can be any reason behind the existence of the universe then this reason can only be God
Existence of universe is a fact
Hence, it can be said that this universe exists for a reason
In this way, it can be said that the main reason or explicit explanation behind the existence of this universe is God
These above statements clearly show that the main reason behind the existence of this universe is God. But, the question is that whether the point to prove whether God need a cause? This may lead to the never ending regress of causes. According to Evans the need for an infinite regress of causes can be removed by the cause of existence of necessary being. In the absence of uncaused cause the existence of universe would have been appeared to be in the bootstrapping trick. Even in the case of non temporal state the existence of God cannot be regarded as contingent.
On the Teleological Argument
McCloskey pays too much importance and emphasis on the arguments related to the existence of God. By continuing his urge to show his opinion related to the existence of God he began to take into consideration the teleological argument that is the argument related to the design of the universe. By adopting the phenomenon of teleological argument McCloskey talks about the existence of a designer from the perspective ...