Research Proposal

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Training of Athletes Pre, During and After the Competition


This research proposal aims at undertaking the analysis of relationship between Training of Athletes pre, during and after the competition and sports administration in U.K. The proposal includes structural and operational compatibilities between Athletes and sports administration and how trainer can improve the ability of the Athletes in training for all the odds. The research proposal will identify the areas, where the trainers of Athletes can work for the betterment of their performance and how it can help them improve their physical performance in order to stay calm and content before during and after the competition.

Training of Athletes Pre, During and After the Competition


In order for an athlete to perform in a competition, it is important for the coach to guide him to the path of success. The training after competition is as necessary as the training before and during the competition. Not many of the sportsmen have the tendency to sustain pressure, which is why they tend to collapse emotionally, if they lose a competition. Before the competition, the coach has to make sure that the athlete is not pressurized. Trainers are given to ensure an emotional balance and stability in the behaviour of the individual. Trainers in U.K, along with the Sports Administration are opening a joint venture to establish a system that can serve as a mentor, counsellor and coach for the athletes. In this regard, trainer's techniques can help in boosting the performance of the athletes that it is aiming to cater.

Trainers have grown at an incredible rate in the U.K over the last decade. The time calls for a joint venture to be formed so that the sports administration can help the athletes in getting proper training through modern techniques that are adopted by the trainers. Training, in sports administration, refers to providing an environment to the athletes, through which the athletes can enhance and improve their skills on short term or long term basis. With the mounting trend of foster care in U.K, the alliances and strategies leading, managing, organizing and controlling this complex institution have become the focus of national and international heed.

The areas that the sports administration has to cater are of training and development. It is to ensure that the athletes get proper training before and after the competition so that they can reach a level on which it becomes easier for them to gain personal mastery. The trainers aim at providing the training before the competition so that the athlete may be able to stay content and composed. It is the internal joy and calmness that will help a sports individual to master his domain. The pre-competition training that is to be offered by the trainers is going to focus on the emotional stability of the athlete before he gets in the arena. There are hundreds of problems that the athlete might encounter. The most important thing for this particular care management institution to do is to induce a feeling ...
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