Research Proposal

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Improving Distant Learning Using Information Systems Strategies



Aims and Objectives4

Literature Review4

The Influence of Technology on Education4

Distant learning6

Effect of On-line Education on Students7

Advantages and disadvantages of Distant Learning8

Use of Social Networking in Promoting Distant Learning Program10


Research Approach11

Data Collection11

Questionnaire Explanation12


Ethical Considerations13

Improving Distant Learning Using Information Systems Strategies


Higher education has recently become so popular that the existing universities are no longer able to accept all comers. Diplomas of higher educational institutions are not only useful for young but also older people. To some extent, in order to saturate the market for higher education and earn considerable money, offer to take the opening of the university is not doubt a very profitable business. The question is how to open a university, far from simple or distant university. This is costly and not a quick event that requires meticulous preparation. Organization of the higher education institution are doing a very responsible job, but for those who actually decided to take the opening of the university, the invaluable help of the university will have a business plan that we have delivered.

The key to efficient performance in this world is technology. Since parents expose their children to technology at a younger age, these children become dependent on technology for everything. Technology has positively affected the student's achievements and learning in every field and stage of learning. The students have benefited from the technology from Pre School to university. A class in which the medium used for lectures is technology oriented like interactive video sessions improves the student learning in the long term. It has been also been observed that the students academics skills are also improved if the students are exposed to the technology in their class (Pandian, 2002: 363-380).

Aims and Objectives

The main purpose of this study is to determine the ways of improving distant learning education with information systems strategies. To answer this topic, the following questions and have been addressed:

What are the positive influences of technology on education?

How has technology improved distant learning?

What is the affect of distant learning through information systems on students?

Literature Review

The Influence of Technology on Education

The influence of technology has reached all areas and must be informed so that the user will not be fooled, as the Internet is one of the words most recently named by those approaching technology or computer science. Internet brings a great set of denotations and connotations, according to user groups, and services changing and evolving. With over 200 million users worldwide, the Internet has become the most widely used communication medium in the history of mankind. It is a resource of information and knowledge sharing worldwide. It is also the means of communication that allows for cooperation and collaboration between many communities and interest groups on specific topics, spread all over the planet.

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