Research Proposal

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Proposal on

“Student Attitude toward Physical Activities”

Student Attitude toward Physical Activities


Physical Activity has different interpretations to it and different people tend to attach different connotations to it. However, physical activity is undeniably an important aspect of an individual's life and people of different age group tends to attach different advantages to it. In today's world where we tend to compete at a very brisk pace physical activity provides us the way to look after our physical health along with the mental health. Physical activity can decrease the risk of different diseases such as obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure. However, diseases in today's world in not limited to any age group. The importance of physical activity tends to enhance for the students since it tends to shape up their minds and allows them to explore new ideas.

Physical activity allows them to invest their energy into something positive instead of wasting their energy into the negative means. In the recent past the attitude of the students towards the physical activity in the form of sports has changed over time (Lindsey, Diane & Rebecca 2009, p.121). Sports have always been a source of motivation especially for the students, since it tends to teach a lot. Sports tend to develop a sense of healthy competition among the students and specially football since it tends to serve as the point of attention in the context of this paper. It is also important to mention the fact that in regard to this paper the term sports and football tends to be interchangeable in nature.

However, the most important lesson which the sport teaches is the ability to accept failures. Sports allows the students to accept the fact that in order to climb up the ladder of the life one needs to accept failures so that they can be corrected and the hindrances can be removed (Justin 2007,p.35).

This limits the growth of an individual irrespective of which field he or she tends to belong to. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to gauge the student's attitude towards the physical activity so that the traits of their character can be analyzed. Plus the strength of the factors needs to be gauged which has allowed the students to break away from the whole idea of physical activity.


This section intends to highlight the aims of this paper and the issues which this paper would address. The aims of this paper are as follows:

To explore the forces which tends to guide the attitude of the students

To figure out the Perception of the sports in the mind of the students

The effect of technological advancement on Student's attitude towards physical activity particularly.

Literature Review

Physical Activity

As indicated earlier in the context of this paper that the importance of social activity tends to vary among the different age groups. Sports have always been an attraction for the human being since it allows them to relate themselves to the community. Above all sports tends to provide them the opportunity to overcome their daily routines ...
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