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Research Proposal

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Research Proposal: Trade Off of Different Propulsive Devices for Tactical/Logistic Aircraft

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Trade Off of Different Propulsive Devices for Tactical/Logistic Aircraft


As the need for improved air travel continues to increase, so does the need for the identification of propulsion devices to power modern aircraft (Frey, Haibo & Rouphail, 2009; Froning Jr., 2009; Frey, Haibo & Rouphail, 2009; Solomon, 2009). Since aviation technology takes extensively long to move from the laboratory to the experimentation phase and then even more longer to become a part of commercial production, it is critically important to conduct researches that can help to identify feasible aircraft propulsion technology that is suitable for aircraft (Solomon, 2009; Feather, Uckun & Hicks, 2008; Johnson, Young & Montgomery, 2007; Froning, 2008). This need is at its peak in the area of tactical/logistic aircraft since the use of such aircraft is extensive and can become unbearably expensive if an inappropriate combination of safety measures, maintainability aspects and manufacturers is used (Froning, 2008; Shapiro, Tudryn, Schatzel & Tseng, 2010; Kloess & Müller, 2011). This is because of the fact that modern day military campaigns require a continuous development and alteration of aircraft technology (Turyshev, et. al., 2009; Irom, Miyahira, Adell, Laird, Conder, Pouget & Essely, 2008).


The purpose of the research is to explore the explore the trade off of different propulsive devices for tactical/logistic aircraft. The research process will give special consideration each type of propulsion devices while giving regard to the characteristics of each of the propulsion devices. The research gave special attention to the analysis of turbo fan, turbo jet, geared turbofan, unducted/propfan, open rotor and counter rotating open rotors.

Significance of the study

A brief analysis of the available literature in this regard shows that most of the literature is directed towards either in-flight experiences or simply recommends the development ...
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