Research Paper

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Research Paper


The purpose of this research paper is to examine managers' careers, describe and compare career paths between the two most important business sectors in UK: ICT industry and paper industry. The main research question of this study is: how do the managers construct their careers in ICT and the paper business sectors? Attempts to find out if there exists some regularity in how their careers unfold in these different working environments. What are the main factors in manager's life that direct their careers? Do they differ depending on the business sector? These questions are approached with the help of metaphors, career anchors and career ladders.


The aim of this paper is to understand the career development of managers acting in information and communication technology sector (ICT) and paper business sector. The ICT companies concerned here develop software, paper companies produce pulp, paper and paperboard.

Among ICT and paper business sectors there can be perceived three kinds of career paths in the areas of general management, specialty and project management. Managers working in ICT or paper sector usually start their career in a position of a specialist. Later the managerial career progresses along one of these career paths. Behind career progression there exist career anchors that direct manager's career.

Research design

The main themes of the research are managers' careers in UK and business sectors determining the careers. The purpose is to examine managers' careers, describe and compare career paths between the two most important business sectors in UK, ICT industry and paper industry.

The main research question of this study is: how the managers construct their careers in ICT and paper business sectors? I try to find out if there exists some regularity in how their careers unfold in these different working environments. What are the main factors in manager's lives that direct their careers? Do they differ depending on the business sector? These questions are approached with the help of metaphors, career anchors and career ladders.

This research is qualitative by nature. The primary research data were gathered in 2002 by interviews in UK ICT and paper companies where 30 managers were interviewed. The interviews were held in three companies from ICT sector and three companies from paper industry. First interviews in every company were done with directors in order to gather basic information concerning the organization and find out the organizational viewpoint to career development. Then five suitable managers in each company were picked up with the help of the directors. Determinant matter in selecting interviewees was the versatile career development of the engineering managers. The focused interview data were analyzed by themes and types. In every interview also a short questionnaire was used concerning career anchors. Results of the questionnaire were analysed with the Mann-Whitney Test. This secondary data complemented the interview data.

Career anchors

Schein's (1987) work on career anchors represents one of the main career theories supporting the present research. “Career anchor” is the self-image that a person develops around his/her career, which both guides and constrains his/her career decisions ...
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