Group A: Standard Questions (Choose 7 questions from this group).
Tell me something about yourself.
I am an experience Graphic Design artist with specialist skills in copywriting and media communication as well as comprehensive knowledge of animation and media production. I have interned for several organization in order to achieve the kind of experience that would help me prepare for a career in Graphic Design, as well as being aware of how to behave in corporate culture. Education in my culture is free until college and I tried my best to grab every opportunity available to me and have continued studying after secondary education. Since career building is a very important aspect of youths in my culture, I have been building myself up to become a professional.
Why should I hire you?
You should hire me as I believe I am a highly self motivated individual who is hard working and determined. I pride myself in being easy to work with and being able to achieve goals independently and as part of a team. Putting my work experience aside, I believe I have the kind of personality that can work well with the ethics of your organization. I also believe my positive conduct, individuality, and my strong work ethics join together to make me an important part of a team, as well as a helpful skill to the corporation.
What are your strengths?
I believe one of my vital strengths that have helped me to overcome hurdles earlier in different aspects of my life is that I am a highly self-motivated individual who can work well independently. I am also a fast learner with the capability to pick up analytical data and facts very quickly. I believe it is these strengths that can lend a hand in paving my career. ...