Reflexive Journal

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Reflexive Journal

We Do Not See Things As They Are, But As We Are.

Each sensory organ is a receptor for certain stimuli. It is formed as a complicated machine to react to stimuli separated in every way work actually closely linked and can partially replace some others (Stasinowsky p. 203). The brain is not only a cash register but at the same time that plays records, transforms and organizes the sense impressions. Recorded, processed, organized every mental event or process. One can say that, we do not perceive a single organ, but that each phenomenon record by many and the slightest deviation in each can lead to considerable variations in each person. If everyone felt the same material with a difference, if the description of the same thing differs is that we know the properties of matter and the investigator to repeat the statement of the philosopher Kant: We see things not as they, are but as we are us. We do not recognize the thing in itself, just its appearance. This phenomenon is but by us as the subject shape by our mind.

Kant assumes that an objective world that we seek with means to capture and explain. So it is by no means certain that the world is based on logical principles. It is equally possible that only the evolution of this method evolved by chance and after that she favored in the environment.

A discussion on whether our methods are right or not is not in my view possible. Because we have our ways of views so far committed that we recognize the one hand can we perceive the world. Subjectively (by senses which rendered then formulated in terms be). We can perceive the world but not of course be different from with our senses. Kant thought to be able to prove this view by giving us cites examples in which our normal perception and encounter in which our concepts to their limits (from memory I only know of because somehow when the time has a beginning (Speake p. 228). It must also be before the give a little early, but we cannot seriously imagine something ahead of time. As in Popper's Open Society and its enemy at the very beginning of Vol 1).

Seeing is a very individual process, of subject-specific seem are the eyes of only 10%, but 90% of the brain involved. Seeing influenced by education, over- ne opinions, views and value concepts of other people. The so over of time resultant beliefs bill- to filter through which we conduct our lives consider. Thus, we see only what we see as important and want to keep. For Kant, knowledge is linguistically by judgments (statements that contain a subject and a predicate). In those cases, the empirical intuitions of sensibility with the ideas of the mind connected (Synthesis). Sensibility and understanding are the only two, equal and interdependent sources of knowledge. Thoughts without content are empty intuitions without concepts are blind.

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