Mike lives at home with his parents and younger brother, Thomas. His father and mother both work as sales personnel in a local department. Mike finds physical writing difficult; he has poor hand coordination movements. Mike has always done poorly in math. He has never received higher than a C on any teacher-made test and usually receives D or F for a report card grade. Mike has no knowledge of money, time, or fractional parts. Mike refuses to study or take notes during any of his classes.
In kindergarten, it was observed that Mike did not listen to instructions and often isolated himself. Mike and Thomas do not interact well. They go about their separate ways. Mike has one friend near his home, a young boy four years Mike's junior. Mike has one friend in school with him he generally talks and eats lunch. He is reluctant to take tests and approaches testing with great trepidation. During testing, it's obvious that Mike struggles with the first few math questions and then refuses to continue taking the test. During the evaluation, Mike withdrew and would not speak if he was unsure of the answers to the questions.
Mike appeared in following test in order to examine his academic and social ranking:
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - 2nd Edition (WIAT-2)
Gray Oral Reading Test - 4th Ed.
Classroom Observation
Interview with child and family
Review of Cumulative records
The scores of the WIAT-2 indicated an average range in word reading and spelling. Comprehension was Low Average. In Numerical operations, Mike received “well below average,” 20 Percentile Rank. The Numerical Operations subtest assesses mathematical reasoning ability. This paper and pencil test showed that Mike has limited ability to reason in problem solving and is unable to master the four main mathematical skills operations . Some of the errors were miscalculations, while others indicated a lack of knowledge, particularly in multiplication and division. His scores represent a need for remediation in this area. Mike Simons was evaluated for possible skills deficits. Mike shows strengths in word recognition and spelling, with a slight deficit in reading comprehension. Mike's scores on the WIAT-2 in mathematics indicate a need ...