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Recruitment has been traditionally defined as a process, which aims to identify and attract an adequate number of candidates initially defined requirements in order to subsequently select the most suitable persons to fill vacancies in the organization (Mullins 2005, 45-62). Thus defined, recruitment is only the first stage of the recruitment process (Coyle 2000, 4-65).

Importance of Job Analysis in Recruitment and Selection

The analysis of position is defined as the process by which determines the duties and responsibilities of the positions and types of people (in terms of ability and experience) to be recruited for (Coyle 2000, 4-65). It may also be defined as the process of collecting, evaluating and organizing information on a particular job.

There are several situations that often lead to the administration suggests the need for an analysis of post as:

•When the organization was founded

•When you create new posts

•When you change jobs significantly as a result of new technologies or processes

•When you are upgrading the system of compensation and wages of a company (Mullins 2005, 45-62).

If you do a proper job analysis job descriptions will be obtained and performed well, helping the administration to meet their needs in critical areas of personnel policy, horn remuneration, recruitment and selection, organizational design, performance evaluation and planning workforce (Hackman 2009, 158-170).

Advantages of Using Employee Referral Program

In general, prospering referral programs by employees present some sort of financial compensation for referrals that are employed and maintained for a definite time period (usually ninety days). The financial compensation sum should be enough to encourage workers to make recommendations but not too much that they suggest referrals which are incompetent for the job vacancy.

Referral system, based on the principles of network marketing, the use of the Internet allows the user to attract new targeted visitors with minimal force (Mullins 2005, 45-62). And it is - no doubt the benefits of referral scheme for the ordinary "agent." Once is enough to entice a novice to the company's site, interested in its ongoing programs - and the percentage of revenue provided for the entire period of active referral (Coyle 2000, 4-65). That is, some effort initially, we can continue to receive their earnings almost effortlessly. This applies particularly to multilevel systems (Hackman 2009, 158-170).

Referred candidates are usually of top quality because the worker who is referring normally evaluates his or her referrals personally. After all, his or her status is more or less at risk with each candidate he refers for a job vacancy. Recommending a chain of incompetent nominees reflects badly on the referring worker's assessment, which may impact his or her own career expectations.

Disadvantages of Using Employee Referral Program

Excessive reliance upon an employee-referral program can lead to an inbred organization that lacks breadth of ideas, and it can foster a "stick-together" attitude that masks underlying problems in organizational behavior. Relying too heavily on an employee-referral program can also create cliques within an organization, leading to resentment and friction with other employees.

For the owner of a referral system, as a rule - an ...
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