Quran And Islam

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How Quran influenced and Shaped Islam

How Quran influenced and Shaped Islam


On Seventeenth of the month of Ramadan in 610, the word of God has been spoken in the Arabic language for the first time in the divine scripture that would ultimately be known as the Quran, which means the Recitation. According to the reading trends and statistics, the Quran is most widely read book in the world. It is the holy book of Muslims and allegedly carries instructions of God for the Muslims to lead their lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam in order to get Jannah in the life after death.

Although there are few other sources that has greatly influenced Islam and the Muslim's way of life. These sources include the Hadith (the sayings of Prophet Mohammad), Sunnah (the way of Prophet), etc. But the Quran has been the most influential all these sources and its content has greatly shaped the characteristics, priorities of Islam as a faith and a way of life and it is mainly due to the Quran that has made Islam the way we observe it today.


There is wealth of literature, which describes, in one or another, that how the Quran has influenced the Muslims' way of life. The Quran has instructions from the God on many subjects of the human life on earth and even the life after the human soul departs from the earth (afterlife). In the following sections, some of the major aspects of the Islamic faith and the Muslim way of life are discussed, exploring how these fundamental concepts of Islam have been influenced by the teachings of the Quran.

Belief System

The Quran is the major and most of important source of Islamic belief system. There are numerous verses of the Holy Book which explain the God's desired belief system that is supposed to be followed by those who are willing to embrace Islam as their faith. The most important amongst these Islamic beliefs is the unity and oneness of God, which the Quran has emphasized several times. This concept teaches the followers of Islam to believe in only one God and shun other gods, which they used to worship especially in the Arab world when the Islam came into being in the 7th century A.D.

Moreover, the Quran also guides its followers to believe in the prophets that guided the humanity in different periods of time before the Prophet Mohammad such as the Prophet Adam, Moses, Jesus etc. According to the Quran, it is mandatory for the Muslims to believe in those prophets and the Holy Scriptures that revealed unto them. Furthermore the Islamic belief and concept of evil and good, vice and virtue, hell and heaven also find their basis in the teachings of the Quran in which the God promises those who lead their lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam on earth will be rewarded with Jannah (heaven) in the life after death where they will be living forever ...
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