The research problem is to analyze the relationship between the management and FCR, because
Purpose of research
Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between knowledge management and FCR.
Research Question
What is the importance of the knowledge management?
Do you believe that knowledge management and FCR has positive relation?
Data collection
The data collection procedure for this research is to collect data from asking the respondents to fill the questionnaire. In this regards, the data are collected by distributing the questionnaire among the respondents.
Data analysis
For generalization of the research findings, 400 questionnaires were randomly distributed from a list of 600 call centers as listed in an alphabetical order by the CRM and contact center of Malaysia via mail and web survey. This data collection method is consistent with existing industry literature such as Feinberg and colleagues and Yim et al. From this number, only 173 questionnaires were returned, out of which five were discarded because they were incomplete. Thus, this puts the total usable responses for further analysis at 168, which constitutes an overall of 43.3 per cent response rate for this study (Mills, G, 2006).
The obtained sample size in this study appears to be adequate, and the response rate is also comparable to many contact center studies that have used managers and senior executives as their study sample. In those studies, their respective response rates were between 15 and 49 percent. Out of the 173 respondents, 103 answered through the mail questionnaire, whereas the remaining 70 responded through the Web. To avoid multiple responses from the same company, the researchers did compare the respondents from the online and mail on key variables such as their annual revenue, experience, number of employees and it continue (Harrison, 2003). The results showed that those who responded to mail questionnaire are different from those who responded to the online questionnaire.
Multiple Elements of the study
Consistent with the available literature on structural equation modeling (SEM) and many scholarly recommendations, this study deems it to adopt a two-step model building method as previously adopted by Yim et al and Kantsperger and Kunz both conducted within the inbound units of the contact center industry. The first step involved the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) ...