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Quality Management

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Improving operational and business performance in the petroleum industry through quality management


The technique used by the organizations which contributes in making its products good is known as quality management. Quality management is represented by all the activities it carries out within the production and staff of the organization. If the company is able to achieve its goals and objectives easily and successfully, it is said that the organization has a quality management (Pfeifer 2002, pp. 224-256). The term quality management is widely used to identify, as part of a manufacturing company, the fund delegated to manage the quality of its products, that is to implement all actions and initiatives which defines and controls the quality standards required by management of the organization. The quality management take the following under consideration (Hoyle 2007, pp. 96-105):

Planning the quality system management tasks, that is; inspection, preventive action, corrective action

Design control

Qualification of suppliers

Monitoring of customer satisfaction and complaint management (ISO 10002)

Control system documentation and records

Monitoring and verification of measuring instruments

Control of products or services

Returns management, that is reverse logistics

Monitoring of all processes identified within the company

Management of a system of indicators for the evaluation process

Reporting and periodic reviews of the management

Quality management is important for all organizations. Sometimes, the quality management does not necessarily results in higher profits. Instead, it only controls the achievements of the specified quality. The standards which are fixed by the organization are maintained by the quality management. Also about the production process of an inexpensive product can certainly be subject to a comprehensive quality management. Also, quality certifications like ISO say that nothing about the product quality can be suggested by some advertising, but only about the quality of management in the manufacturing process can be identified. However, there are many factors which have an impact on the quality management of the organization towards its products and services. It is necessary to improve the quality management of an organization, as it helps in improving the operational and business performance. Similarly, in the petroleum industry, the enhancement of quality management is very essential as its competition is tough throughout the world. It needs a professional and successful quality management in order to improve the operational and business performance (Taticchi, 2010, 170).

Quality management in the petroleum industry

One of the objectives of petroleum industry is to reform the oil and gas in order to improve the general efficiency of the sector. It increases the transparency and provides incentives to encourage the indigenous of the petroleum industry. Thus, the quality management plays a vital role here, as to reach a success; it needs to have a quality management. The petroleum industry can improve its business performance only if it has a quality management. The petroleum industry operations generate a direct impact on the environment, including atmospheric emissions, liquid effluents and solid and hazardous waste (Bowlus 2009, pp. 23-46). In recent years, these industries have become concerned about quality ...
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