Qualities Of An Effective Counsellor

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Qualities Of An Effective Counsellor

Qualities Of An Effective Counsellor


Counseling involves a process, the aim of which is to help others to help themselves by making better choices and becoming better choosers of options. The counselor's repertoire of skills includes those of forming an understanding relationship, as well as interventions, focused on helping clients change specific aspects of their feeling, thinking and acting. (Ellis 2001:401)


In a counseling relationship, the counselor and client work together to explore every aspect of the client's circumstances, enabling the individual to re-evaluate his or her experiences, capabilities and potential. Counselors facilitate full and confidential expression of the client's feelings, without diverting any attention to their own feelings. (Davis 2000:234)The responsibility for change is placed with the client. This means that when changes are made, they are self-motivated, and therefore more likely to last and to be effective. Self-reliance is a central tenet of counselling.

The counselor is perhaps the first person that the individual has met for a long time who truly listens without prejudice and whom he or she can trust utterly. The potential to be an effective counsellor can be shown if certain qualities exist. These include the counsellor's commitment, the counsellor's effort to understand the client, and spontaneity. The three components indicate that it is the counsellor's effort to understand the client which communicates respect and warmth, and which is the major tie between the counsellor and the client. A counsellor who communicates non-possessive warmth and understanding has the greatest success in counselling. In the final analysis, it is the client's experience of non-possessive warmth that really matters. (Cobia 2002:140)Supervision practices for post-degree professional counselors are discussed and several areas of concern identified. These areas include evidence that a significant number of post-degree counselors are not involved in ongoing clinical supervision and that there are several gaps in our knowledge about best supervisory practices. Information is shared regarding inappropriate or hurtful supervisory practices and the adverse effects that occur to supervisees as a result. Some suggestions are presented on ways in which counselor preparation programs could facilitate increased commitment in counselor trainees to obtain post-degree supervision. In addition, ways in which counselor preparation programs can increase the pool of qualified ethical clinical supervisors are suggested. Counselors in training during graduate school studies experience practicum and internships in order to develop basic competencies in the clinical skills of counseling. ...
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