Qualities Of An Effective Counsellor

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Qualities Of An Effective Counsellor

Qualities Of An Effective Counsellor


To be considered a capable counsellor there are a number of qualities you must possess, along with a few attitudes you should develop. (Danton, Antonuccio & Rosenthal 2003 15) It is a counsellor's responsibility to make the client feel at ease with the counselling process. Building rapport and creating a counselling relationship that uses trust as a solid foundation, is a key requirement and counsellors must also be able to demonstrate genuine, caring attributes.

The Bare Essentials

A counsellor must be able to show a positive, unconditional regard for the wellbeing of a client, if a successfully progressive counselling relationship is to be formed. It is the basis from which a client can explore their thoughts, feelings and experiences, and develop an understanding and acceptance of their emotions. (Danton, Antonuccio & Nelsky 2005, 574) Without this unconditional support a client will feel inhibited and unable to express their true personality, difficulties and emotions.

Whilst maintaining a professional focus a counsellor must be able to show a genuine openness, within the counselling relationship. A client must feel comfortable, safe and confident that confidentiality will be maintained at all times, and also that the counsellor is committed to helping, encouraging and supporting. Empathic understanding, and the ability to see things from the client's perspective is also important, as is the counsellor's ability to demonstrate an investment of their time and full attention.

How to Show Warmth and Understanding

Showing empathy and genuineness encourages a client to relax and trust. It also encourages client self-disclosure. Maintaining warmth and understanding, without being judgmental, provides the client with a comfortable foundation within the counselling relationship. (Doux 2004, 12)A counsellor should also show their own personality and ensure there is a friendly atmosphere and attitude, in order for the counselling relationship to grow.

Conveying warmth through body language - using posture, maintaining eye contact and personal space - encourages a client to trust. Counsellors should also be aware of the way they speak - the tone of voice, speed of speech and delivery - as the words used should be in agreement with the way their body language provides reassurance.

Warmth should be handled with care however, as a client who exhibits feelings of unease, distance and mistrust may feel initially threatened by sympathetic behaviour.

Demonstrating Positive Regard

Valuing and respecting a client is of vital importance in a counselling relationship. Demonstrating a positive acceptance of the client is the key to encouraging interaction and disclosure. Unconditional positive regard creates an opportunity to explore change, and provides a client with acceptance and genuine caring. (Danton, Antonuccio & Rosenthal 2003 19)A counsellor must not judge in any way. This may be difficult in some situations, but is the basis of a counselling relationship built on trust. Accepting a client shows the individual that you value them and are there to support them through the counselling process, regardless of their weaknesses, negativity or unfavourable ...
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