Qualitative Research Methods In Criminal Justice/Security Management

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Qualitative research methods in Criminal Justice/Security Management

Qualitative research methods in Criminal Justice/Security Management


This type of research makes it possible to obtain very detailed data about the behavior, opinions, attitudes, relationships are a small group of people. The data obtained cannot be quantified (with rare exceptions), but give a good idea of ??the mindset of consumers.

In context of criminal justice, qualitative research involves gathering, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. The observation in researches can be directed at achieving different goals. It can be used as a source of information for constructing hypotheses that serve to validate the data obtained by other methods; it can be used to extract additional information about the object under study (Creswell, 2003).


Observation is a very time-consuming method. Making the results of observations is sometimes twice as much time than the observation. However, by the nature of the environment monitoring can be a field, which means that the processes taking place in a natural setting (in the shop, the shop windows), or laboratory, that is, conducted in an artificial situation. The results of observations are recorded using audio or video, note books, etc (Shank, 2002).

With reference to criminal justice, the main difference between qualitative research methodologies is the ability to reveal the subjective causes of human behavior. Often these reasons are unconscious, and to understand them is difficult; as a result, qualitative studies, the company can reach an understanding and interpretation of empirical data, to hypothesize and get productive ideas. However, the most widely used qualitative research in the study are the consumption patterns, consumer behavior and the factors determining the choice, relation to products, brands and companies, degree of satisfaction with existing products, and buying intentions (Shank, 2002).

Equally important are the qualitative research to develop new products. Another area of ??application of qualitative methodology is the so-called diagnostic tests. Obviously, the perception by consumers of the product and advertising is changing with time. Qualitative research in such cases to help determine the level, direction and nature of changes in the perception of the brand and advertising over time. In addition, qualitative methodology can be used during tactical studies for selection of the most successful embodiment of the advertising, packaging, and logo. To test may be offered alternatives to the visual, text and other elements of specific performance is created by advertising, packaging, etc (Creswell, 2003).

In particular relation to criminal justice, qualitative research or qualitative method is a method used primarily for research in social sciences cuts based on theoretical principles based methodologies such as phenomenology, hermeneutics, and the social interaction using data collection methods are not quantitative. However, in purpose of exploring the social and describe reality as experienced by the corresponding. Qualitative research requires a deep understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern it. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research seeks to explain the reasons for the different aspects of such behavior. In other words, it investigates the why and how a decision was made, ...
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