Purpose And Meaning Of Life

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Purpose of Life and the Evolution of Personality

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Meaning and Purpose of life1







Purpose of Life and the Evolution of Personality


Every person is different from the other and so do his needs and wants, his culture, values, traditions, habits, interest and the way of living their life. But the disappointing fact which can be witnessed is that, out of the total world population of 6.4 billion people, hardly 1% of the people actually know the purpose and meaning of their life. The search for meaning of life refers to the idea that individuals are strongly motivated to find meaning in their lives that is to be able to understand the nature of their physical existence (www. bobhurt.com).

Meaning and Purpose of life

The purpose of my life is to achieve happiness in this world, not to hurt anyone, earn lots of money and to prepare myself for the life hereafter. The purpose of my life includes materialistic, social and religious factors. All of these purposes and meaning have been developed with time. Being a child and then a teenager never made me realize about what is life because of the way I was brought up. If I go 5 years back from today, I would see myself in college days. At that time, I was not aware of all these stuff such as the meaning and the purpose of life. My only purpose was to pass in the board exams or in other words I would say I never planned or thought about the future. With time and events, I came to realize the actual meaning of life. There are various events in my life, which have changed my way of thinking. Being a very disorganized and a non serious child, has led me to many troubles and problems. ...
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