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Personal Faith

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Personal Faith of Christianity and comparing with Buddhism and Shinto

Personal Faith of Christianity and comparing with Buddhism and Shinto


In fact, many times I have found myself asking God whether my actions were right, and if I am successfully fulfilling my purpose of life on Earth. Our understanding of the purpose of life is subconsciously influenced by our religious beliefs whether you may accept it or not. Even an atheist derives this meaning from what he sees in the society that was founded on the basis of religious teachings. Everything around us has a purpose, so how could the kindest gift of all, the gift of life not have a purpose and remain meaningless to wander? The purpose is not to achieve materialistic assets for they have been created by God. He made this world beautiful so we may live happily in it. When Adam and Eve were sent on Earth to enjoy its fruits, there was nothing to run after and these gifts were meant to be shared by all. Then, why now have we become so distracted by materialism that will give the happiness of a moment that will not last forever. Instead, if you viewed them as man's accomplishment to make life easier and help us make others lives better, you may realize the true meaning of life in Christianity (Orr, 1915).

However, every individual has the right to think and have believes within themselves. Similarly, I also have beliefs about the religion and think in a way that might be wrong for many and right for many likewise thinkers. If you choose to be ignorant now, you may forever live in the dark. God formed us, Sin deformed us, Christ transforms us. Do you pray to God for things that you do not have or do you pray to him for the things that you do have in your life? Gratitude was not taught by the Lord, it was taught by a man to another to appreciate the valuable gifts in life. Purpose of Life in Christianity If you think your true calling in life is to do what you love and get what you love, think again. No, I am not saying Christianity preaches you to not be happy. It does, it wants the happiness to radiate from your soul. It tells you to forgive for your hands are not the cleanest (Barnett, 2002) .


According to my research and teachings throughout the life there are various points I came across that helped me building the importance of my religion and help me to be a better person. The purpose of life in Christianity is 'love'. Isn't this what Jesus came to Earth to teach us? He loved everyone equally and unconditionally. So, how can you regard yourself above God and put conditions for your love on another being. Is love that shallow to you? We all came alone to this place, stark naked and owned nothing. All that you did have was the ability to ...
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