Life is beautiful! It is the privilege and basic right of every individual to access the basic necessities, every joy and happiness in life. Unfortunately, life is not a bed of roses for all. However, there are some people to whom life appears to be a bed of roses. But, such people are very few and they are regarded as extremely lucky. The element of jealousy and comparison is a part of human nature. In this jealousy and comparison, human beings compare contrast what they have and what other have. Whenever, an individual compares in this regard he or she often does that comparison with those few extremely lucky people. As a result of this comparison such people gather the emotion and feelings of frustrations and suffer from low self esteem. In turn, they want to get all the things that other people have or possess. In this comparison, jealousy and frustration and in order to obtain all the luxuries and necessities people indulge in immoral activities and wrongdoings. These immoral activities and wrongdoings can be of any type and nature. The type of immoral activities and wrongdoings that this paper talks about is of finding no lines and difference between public and private spheres. The following part of the paper discusses separation of public and private spheres from variegated perspectives.
As mentioned above that the topic of discussion of this paper is separation of public and private spheres this immediately reminds of one of the statement of the Sharon Hays. According to Sharon hays:
“The ideological separation of public and private spheres results in the values of intimate and family life (standing) as an explicit rejection of the values of economic and political life”.
Explanation of the Statement
This statement is expressing withholding moral beliefs. In this statement, Sharon wants to convey the idea that in order to get political and economical benefits one should not break or nullify the moral obligations. In a nutshell, it can be said that, this statement implies that one should separate the public life from the private life. This means one should not indulge in any sort of intimate relationships so that one can get advantages in both personal and professional life. I agree with this statement of Sharon Hays.
Conception of Public and Private Spheres
First, it is necessary, to determine which of the concepts "public" and "private". More than that, it is imperative to understand what we mean by "public domain" and "private sphere". Regarding the concept of private, we can deliver the following meanings in a generic way as follows:
Something that is familiar and domestic, without ceremony
Individual and staff of each
Running at the sight of a few, familiar and domestically, without formality or ceremony
Moreover, these meanings are very generic, not geared to what one really thinks, or should know, by private or rather by "private sphere". The following definition of "private sphere" would further clear the conception (Knickerbocker, 1999, 14):