To Explore Whether the Use of Psychotropic Drugs on Children Have More Positive or Negative Effects
In this paper, an attempt has been made to discuss the concept of psychotropic drugs is discussed in a holistic context. The paper discusses the usage of the psychotropic drugs and their impacts on the children. This paper lists down the research objective and hypotheses that would be measured with the help of this research. A brief overview of the literature is also presented which provides an overview of the idea of the usage of the psychotropic drugs in various psychological disorders is also mentioned. In the last part of the paper, the methodology and research instrument is discussed.
Psychotropic Drugs
Introduction As one moves ahead in today's modern era of rapid and fast growing technologies and work processes individuals face and come across with several diseases, illnesses and ailments that hinder the daily routine of an individual. In order for the purpose to sustain their health condition, individuals head up to different forms to treatment and medical assistance in order to recover from a particular disease and thus get back to healthy routine. This paper covers one of the aspects of the medication and cure. The aspect that is covered in this paper is of psychotropic drugs. The main objective and ambition this paper is to talk about the usage of psychotropic drugs. This paper specifically talks about the affects and usage of psychotropic drugs on children.
The objective of this paper is to explore two aspects related to the usage and affects of the psychotropic drugs on children. The goals and objectives of the research can be describes in a comprehensive ways as follows;
Research Questions
To explore different disorders for which clinicians use psychotropic drugs of children.
After listing down the disorders for which clinicians use psychotropic drugs on children the next goal is to discover for how many disorders the usage of the psychotropic drugs cause positive or negative effects.
The developed hypothesis for the research is as follows;
H1: The usage of psychotropic drugs for some psychological disorders produces more negative impacts.
H2: The usage of the psychotropic drugs for some of the psychological disorders with precautions does not create negative effects.
This research is of immense importance because of number of reasons. The first and foremost reason that expresses the significance of this study is that it would contribute to the literature of the field. As we know that there is lack of availability of data as well as of facts and figures regarding the usage and affects of the psychotropic drugs so the completion of this study would provide data and facts and figures regarding the usage and affects of the psychotropic drugs on children. The second most important reason that contributes towards the importance of this research is that it would increase the knowledge about the psychotropic drugs and its affects.
Literature Review
While conducting any research it is imperative to develop immense knowledge and information about that ...